Endless 2D BackgroundHow to Make A Seamless 2D Background in Unity

Author Waldo
Published April 15, 2019

In this video I'm going to show you how to create an endless background in Unity

Video Walkthrough

  • 1:10 - Create C# Script
  • 1:50 - Calculating Screen Boundaries
  • 2:45 - Cycle through each of our background objects and load them on the screen
  • 3:50 - Creating a function to setup the scene
  • 6:40 - Creating a function to move our background elements to create a seamless effect
  • 9:15 - Repositioning objects to fill the screen
  • 10:20 - Adding a choke value to fix seams
  • 11:00 - Final Product

Source Code for backgroundLoop.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class backgroundLoop : MonoBehaviour{
    public GameObject[] levels;
    private Camera mainCamera;
    private Vector2 screenBounds;
    public float choke;
    public float scrollSpeed;

    void Start(){
        mainCamera = gameObject.GetComponent<Camera>();
        screenBounds = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width, Screen.height, mainCamera.transform.position.z));
        foreach(GameObject obj in levels){
    void loadChildObjects(GameObject obj){
        float objectWidth = obj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.x - choke;
        int childsNeeded = (int)Mathf.Ceil(screenBounds.x * 2 / objectWidth);
        GameObject clone = Instantiate(obj) as GameObject;
        for(int i = 0; i <= childsNeeded; i++){
            GameObject c = Instantiate(clone) as GameObject;
            c.transform.position = new Vector3(objectWidth * i, obj.transform.position.y, obj.transform.position.z);
            c.name = obj.name + i;
    void repositionChildObjects(GameObject obj){
        Transform[] children = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
        if(children.Length > 1){
            GameObject firstChild = children[1].gameObject;
            GameObject lastChild = children[children.Length - 1].gameObject;
            float halfObjectWidth = lastChild.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.extents.x - choke;
            if(transform.position.x + screenBounds.x > lastChild.transform.position.x + halfObjectWidth){
                firstChild.transform.position = new Vector3(lastChild.transform.position.x + halfObjectWidth * 2, lastChild.transform.position.y, lastChild.transform.position.z);
            }else if(transform.position.x - screenBounds.x < firstChild.transform.position.x - halfObjectWidth){
                lastChild.transform.position = new Vector3(firstChild.transform.position.x - halfObjectWidth * 2, firstChild.transform.position.y, firstChild.transform.position.z);
    void Update() {

        Vector3 velocity = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 desiredPosition = transform.position + new Vector3(scrollSpeed, 0, 0);
        Vector3 smoothPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, desiredPosition, ref velocity, 0.3f);
        transform.position = smoothPosition;

    void LateUpdate(){
        foreach(GameObject obj in levels){

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